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Earl Bowerman
Vancouver, Washington
info@produce1.com |
Click on any Market below that is listed in BLUE type.
Produce Market Info is Updated Monday - Friday by 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time
Shipping Point
General Produce Wholesale Market Price Info |
Daily Market News Reports |
Shipping Point Fruit Reports
- Benton Harbor, Michigan
- Fresno, California
- Idaho Falls, Idaho
- Inwood, West Virginia (Baltimore, Maryland)
- Miami, Florida
- Orlando, Florida
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Seattle, Washington
- Thomasville, Georgia
- Yakima, Washington
Shipping Point Vegetable Reports
- Benton Harbor, Michigan
- Columbia, South Carolina
- Fresno, California
- Miami, Florida
- Onley, Virginia
- Orlando, Florida
- Phoenix, Arizona
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- Seattle, Washington
- Thomasville, Georgia
- Yakima, Washington
Shipping Point Onion and Potato Reports
Shipping Point Asian Fruit and Vegetable Report
Shipping Point Herb Report
Daily Shipping Point Reports(*PDF files) |
Fruit & Vegetable Market Shipping Point Reports - Within a State by Location |
Fruit & Vegetable Terminal Market & Shipping Point Prices by Commodity |
Fruit Terminal Market & Shipping Point Prices, Movement by Commodity |
Vegetable Terminal Market & Shipping Point Prices, Movement by Commodity |
- Gailon
- Galanga (siam, thai ginger)
- Garlic
- Ginger root
- Gobo
- Greens
- Hanover salad greens
- Huauzontle
- Jerusalem artichokes
- Jicama
- Kale greens
- Kohlrabi
- Lamb's quarters (quilete)
- Lettuce, bibb
- Lettuce, Boston
- Lettuce, Boston, red
- Lettuce, green leaf
- Lettuce, iceberg
- Lettuce, lolla rossa
- Lettuce, oak leaf - green
- Lettuce, oak leaf - red
- Lettuce, processed
- Lettuce, red leaf
- Lettuce, romaine
- Lettuce, ruby romaine
- Lettuce, Russian red mustard
- Lettuce-other
- Linkok
- Lo Bok
- Long beans
- Lotus root
- Mache
- Maguey (agave) leaves
- Malanga
- Mesculin mix
- Misc asian
- Misc asian vegetables
- Misc tropical
- Mizuna
- Moap (smooth luffa)
- Moo
- Moqua (fuzzy squash)
- Mushrooms
- Mustard
- Nagaimo
- Okra
- Ong Choy
- Onions green
Onions and Potatoes, Herbs, and Nuts Terminal Market Prices by Commodity |
Onions and Potatoes
Fruit & Vegetable Terminal Market Prices by Location |
Onion & Potato
Subtropical Fruit & Vegetable
Asian Fruit & Vegetable
Supplemental Market Reports |
Apple Processing Reports
Shipping Point Price & Supply Reports(*PDF files)
Weekly Shipment Reports by Commodity |
Shipment Reports - Package Counts |
International Fruit & Vegetable Terminal Market Prices by Location |
- Bogota, Colombia
- Barranquilla, Colombia
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- Hamburg, Germany
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Monterrey, Mexico
- Montreal, Canada
- New Covent Garden, U.K.
- Panama City, Panama
- New Spitalfields, U.K.
- Paris, France
- Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Poznan, Poland
- Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Tokyo, Japan
- Toronto, Canada
- Varna, Bulgaria
- Warsaw, Poland
- Bogota, Colombia
- Barranquilla, Colombia
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- Hamburg, Germany
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Monterrey, Mexico
- Montreal, Canada
- New Covent Garden, U.K.
- New Spitalfields, U.K.
- Panama City, Panama
- Paris, France
- Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Poznan, Poland
- Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Tokyo, Japan
- Toronto, Canada
- Varna, Bulgaria
- Warsaw, Poland
Onion & Potato
- Bogota, Colombia
- Barranquilla, Colombia
- Guadalajara, Mexico
- Hamburg, Germany
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Monterrey, Mexico
- Montreal, Canada
- New Covent Garden, U.K.
- New Spitalfields, U.K.
- Panama City, Panama
- Paris, France
- Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Poznan, Poland
- Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Tokyo, Japan
- Toronto, Canada
- Varna, Bulgaria
- Warsaw, Poland